NI Ultimate DJs

2023 calendar open for bookings 

Northern Ireland Air Ambulance Gig donation link  

NI Ultimate DJs are holding an event in aid of NI Air Ambulance if you would like to donate, please scan the QR code. Any donation will be very much appreciated. Many thanks NI Ultimate DJs Management team. 

NI Ultimate DJs are holding an event in aid of RNLI Larne Lifeboat Station. If you would like to donate, please scan the QR code. Any donation will be very much appreciated. Many thanks NI Ultimate DJs Management team. 

Please state what Charity you would like to donate to thanks. NI Ultimate DJs Management team  

NI Ultimate DJs 

Read the story of our beginnings

NI Ultimate DJs was established in December 2021 by DJ Hammy B & DJ Muza J online radio DJs. We are working on getting dates and venues for 2023 keep checking on our tour page. 

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