I would like to take this time to thank all the sponsors of the charity event we had done on the 18th & 19th November 2022 at the Atlantic Bar in Portrush in aid of Air Ambulance NI.
Baird Sound Systems https://bairdsoundsystems.com
Stitch Studio NI https://stitchstudioni.com
Nova Scotia https://www.facebook.com/Ronewens
DJ MC Mallorca Lee https://mallorcalee.co.uk
Kevin Perry https://www.facebook.com/kevin.perry.568
Kritikal Mass https://www.kritikalmassmusic.co.uk/
DJ Lee Keenan https://www.leekeenandj.com/
DJ Kenty https://www.djkenty.com/
Gemat Signs https://gematsigns.co.uk
Bands & DJs
Will take this time to thank all that came to play at the Air Ambulance Gig on the 18th & 19th November 2022. The Bands and DJs gave up their time to come play at the charity event for free as all proceeds were going to the Air Ambulance Northern Ireland https://airambulanceni.org/
- The Forged Hearts https://www.facebook.com/TheForgedHearts
- Electric Vultures https://www.facebook.com/TheElectricVultures
- Roll The Dice https://www.facebook.com/wearerollthedice
- DJ L Fitz https://www.facebook.com/djlindseyfitz
- DJ Hammy B https://www.facebook.com/DJHammyB
- DJ Muza J https://www.facebook.com/DJMuzaJ
- DJ Tegula https://www.facebook.com/TegulaDJ
- DJ Idiosyncrasy https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086974442045
- Stuarty Baillie https://www.facebook.com/stuarty.baillie.52
- DJ X-Ray https://www.facebook.com/djxray.ni